


Gar Wai
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Karen(:; ImageShack; Blogger

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My Rants

Saturday, January 24, 2009 - :

i think my blog is super dead but i will post still!

THANKYOU ABI AND JOY for the WONDRFUL chocolate cake!

i had cake for recess on friday! and pizza hut for lunch! woo~~~ i am indulging myself too much, am i?

i did nothing yesterday. slept at 9pm wake up at 8am today. i think i am just too tired or maybe too into the holiday mood already. everybody should watch american idol because some contestants are just so funny. you will see that kind of people - that kind that don't have talent but think highly of himself and act like--i dunno what word to use. you will say oh please, just stop embarrassing yourself.

there is a lot of homework. seems a lot because i'm distracted by the books i borrowed yesterday.

i thought i have more to say but they just disappeared somehow. i having steamboat tomorrow and i will tell you what i eat because i am going to eat A LOT!!!

The sun is rising @ 6:47 PM

Wednesday, January 14, 2009 - :

when light shines everywhere, which path will you take?
and when darkness falls, you know that you have to follow the only light that is shinning.

life can never be better. what stupid careless mistakes have i made so far? quite a lot actually so i better start waking up. no, must wake up now or else the moon will collapse, which is enough to destroy the earth.

i am not going to describe school life. btw, whale rider is not nice. Why is there such a book with so many facts and legends! and there is apparently a purpose for the author deciding to start the book by describing weird-ed animals.

chinese new year is coming but yet i cannot feel the festive mood. it is probably due to the fact that i see it as a four-day-eat-sleep-and-rest period. haha. and i wouldn't receive much ang baos either.

i want to drink dong gua cha. thirsty luh.

i think this is ridiculous. read....
CPR is an attempt to revive someone whose heart and/or breathing has stopped. This attempt can be made by using special drugs or machines or pressing very firmly on the chest.

In Colorado, it is presumed you would want CPR unless you and your doctor have signed a form that allows you (or your agent or proxy) to refuse CPR.

In Colorado, it is presumed you would want CPR unless you and your doctor have signed a form that allows you (or your agent or proxy) to refuse CPR.
If you have a CPR directive, and your heart and/or lungs stop, medical personnel won't try to press on your chest.

The sun is rising @ 6:45 PM